Thursday, December 5, 2019

What Is a Professional free essay sample

What is a professional? After a week of research I think it is safe to say its not Just someone who possesses a marketable skill as I thought. According to Michael Bayle a profession has three necessary criteria. First he says there is extensive training required to practice any profession. For example, to become a doctor in the United States you have to graduate from a 4 year college in a strong pre-med program, you have to take and pass the medical College Admissions Test (MICA) then you have to do 3-7 years residency. The second element to any profession has to have a significant intellectual component. For example if you want to be a successful physician, you must have a true intellectual curiosity and devotion about medicine and the sciences and to have the self-determination and motivation to go after it. And third element Bayle said that the trained ability has to provide an important service in society to be classified as a profession. We will write a custom essay sample on What Is a Professional or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If we were to use the physician again as an example obviously he carries out duties every day in order to help others and save peoples lives. Some other common features Bayle associates with reversions is having good Judgment, autonomy in his or her work, organization of members, and credentialing (earning a license or certificate in your occupation). Once again, a physician would be a great example in this case. Only an educated, professional physician with qualified credentials is permitted to treat patients as a medical doctor in the United States. Referring back to my discussion paper this week I had mentioned a professor named DRY. Same Salts, he was a biology instructor at Portland State University. He is a brilliant, self-determined, well-educated doctor room India. When he lived in India he had attended college then med-school and even worked as a doctor for many years. However, when he moved to the United States the U. S. Did not recognize the medical school he attended in India so he is not allowed to practice medicine here in the United States. He was informed he would need to complete medical school all over if he wanted to be a doctor here. He was however, allowed to teach undergraduate classes at multiple colleges in the area. What are your thoughts on this? Dry. Salts does have 3 out of the 3 criteria that Bales identifies as necessary. Yet he cant get licensed here to practice. So is he now considered a professional teacher? What if he doesnt make the best teacher however, was an amazing doctor? Although I feel bad for Dry. Salts I would not want to use him as my physician or surgeon unless he was licensed in the United States. As I would have no way to hold him accountable if something went wrong which brings me to my next point, The fact that professionals in certain occupations can be held accountable to the public is an important distinction from those who may do the Job s an amateur or on a non-professional basis. Take this scenario for example, if Im a homeowner and my toilet starts backing up as well and my tub is not draining. I could look on scraggliest for a non-licensed plumber and hire him to save me a little money, however what happens when he comes out and snakes the drain and appears to fix the problem yet, the next day I start the washer in the laundry room and I go in the bathroom and there is poop everywhere overflowing from the toilet and coming up in the tub? I call the non-licensed plumber back and he says Oh must be he main line I cant taxi that. I would d be very upset but I wouldnt be able to hold TN plumber I hired to the same standards as I would a licensed professional plumber. Another example is a carpenter worker who builds houses to meet his basic needs. I think he could meet two of the three criteria. Although he may have extensive hands on training and have and provides an important service in society he doesnt always have the significant intellectual component it takes to become an architect to build sky scrapers. I have learned from this assignment that Just having a title, or working n a certain field, being trained in a certain field, providing an important service in society does not make you a professional. If you want to be a professional you have to be an expertise in your field, and be educated and continue to keep your education up to date and be licensed or governed accordingly as well as you might have different ethical responsibilities. I believe a professional is someone who has an extraordinary skill set and can use those skills to do important things for the public and their well-being. Such as doctors providing effective medical treatment by applying their medical knowledge to diagnose illnesses, prescribe medications, or the chief engineers, ensuring that the plans for construction of the Max transit system are safe for the mass public to utilize on daily basis for years to come.

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