Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Entertainment and Venue Management

Question: Describe about the Contribution of arts, entertainment and venue industry to the national economy, and Current and future trends in arts, entertainment and venue management industry? Answer: Introduction The assignment will provide an overarching view of the arts and entertainment industry. The assignment will focus on the venue management, operation and funding of the live performance. The dynamic nature of the entertainment industry will be explored. The dynamic nature will be identified by identifying the trends in the public, private and the voluntary sectors in the world of entertainment. 1. Contribution of arts, entertainment and venue industry to the national economy 1.1 Analysis of the contribution of arts, venue and entertainment industry to national economy The media and the entertainment industry in UAE has been growing at a rapidly. The growth of the entertainment industry in UAE has contributed to the GDP of the country. The economy of Dubai has expanded the fastest in the last six years. The growth of the economy of UAE was fuelled by the surge in the growth of the trade, industry, hotels and non-oil sectors. There was 4.7% growth in the economic performance of UAE as it has been forecasted by the Dubai economic council. According to the statistics department the hotel industry showed a growth of 13.7% contributing 29.2% of the GDP. In 2014, the contribution of the travel and tourism sector to the GDP of UAE was around 8.5% (Al Bawaba, 2013). The growth of the tourism industry in Dubai has driven the growth of the UAEs hotels, travel agents and the airline industry. The leisure industries like the restaurants have also increased. The UAE governments are anxious to encourage the development of the major cultural projects in Emirates. They have opened several art museums in UAE to promote the cultural zone. The cultural zone in UAE has contributed to the growth of the growth of the tourism, hotel industry. The growth of the entertainment industry has resulted in the growth of entertainment. The exhibition centers of UAE have become the venue for major industry events and conferences in the country. The venue centers like the ADNEC, DWTC, SIBF have organized various events, exhibitions and conferences. They have organized several fairs which has promoted the cultural heritage of the country (, 2015). 1.2 Comparison between the funding agencies and their impact on venue, arts and entertainment industry The tourism industry of the Dubai will be promoted by the Dubai Corporation for Tourism and Commerce Marketing. They have contributed to the growth of the tourism sector and the trade sector. The exhibition centers of UAE are developed with the contribution of the leading institutional investors, developers of the real estate, government funding. The consultants and the senior level professionals engaged in real estate business contribute to the development of the exhibition centres in UAE. The contribution of the government has been enormous in the development of the exhibition centres in UAE. The centers have been funded by the local agencies. But the funding from the government in these sectors has been on a larger scale. This has contributed to the overall growth of the entertainment industry in UAE. The growth of the real estate business has driven the increase in the number of construction of museums, exhibition centers (, 2015). 2. Investigation of the range of activities offered by the arts, entertainment and venue management industry 2.1 Brief summary Arts industry At the beginning of the millennium, UAE was not on the art map but it proved itself as one of the emerging art market by promoting and attracting the good art investors. The country has invested lump sum money to develop the infrastructure of the country to develop the social institutions. The media and culture has developed in UAE since 2006. It has led to the establishment of the Ministry of Information and Culture and there has been development of the National Media Council. Emirates Media is a pioneer of multimedia in the Arab region. The development of the television, radio industry falls under the media company. The art industry in UAE has flourished with the development of the radio and television sector in UAE. Entertainment industry The tourism and hotel industry are one of the flourished entertainment industries in UAE. They have contributed to the strategy of the Government to maintain the inflow of foreign capital in the country. The tourists find Dubai a luring shopping destination. They tourist spots in Dubai possess ancient as well as modern attractions. There are large number of heritage buildings and forts in UAE. The museums are built in UAE to address to specific subject areas relevant to the history and culture of the country. There is adequate funding from the Government for the development of the museum. The Government has promoted the development of the museum to make emirate a cultural tourism destination (, 2015). Venue industry Dubai has a host of exhibition centers, conference halls in the country. One of the reputed exhibition centres in Dubai is the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Center. It hosts a range of exhibitions of the country. There are other exhibition centers in UAE in which various events are held. The halls are located conveniently to fit the requirement of the visitors and the exhibitors (Sabella, 2015). 2.2 Comparison of the scope of the three industries The arts industry in UAE is influenced from the West. It attracts foreign investment. Unlike the entertainment industry like the tourism industry and the hotel industry, the arts industry has not flourished yet. The tourism and hotel industry has scope of tremendous development and success in the near future. The income of the tourism department contributes to the growth of the economy. The venue industry in UAE is developed and there is ample scope of future development. The exhibition halls in UAE organize various events at larger and smaller scales. It gives the boost to the various events in the country. The support from the Government is crucial for the development of these industries. 2.3 Profile of the audience The tourism industry in Dubai attracts mostly the high income earners. Dubai is an ideal shopping destination. Apart from the historical and the cultural heritage showcased by the country it also offers variety of unique goods to the visitors which have made it a preferred destination for shopping. The venue centers organize events and conference for big high profile companies. 3. Exploration of the management and operation of different type of venues 3.1 Comparison of the management and the operational strategies ADNEC (Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Company) is one of the most successful exhibitions, conference and events centre in UAE. It is the largest exhibition venue in UAE. It is a part of the international venue development and company of business management. The management team and the other parties of ADNEC are responsible for organizing the exhibitions or events at the venue. The exhibiters are concerned with the business undertakings that are associated with the events at the venue (, 2015). The operations department prepare the layout plans to maintain safe access to all the amenities at the venue. It is seen that the venue is a safe place for showcasing the exhibition. The workplace is made free from injuries and incidents. The minimum acceptable standards are maintained at the hall (, 2015). Dubai World Trade Center organizes and hosts range of world class of events. It organizes impeccable shows across multiple industries such as technology, health care, finance and business. The center offers the organizers with a range of support services for designing the venue. Dubai World Trade Center organizes a range of live entertainment events and weddings. It also organizes range of exhibitions, trade fairs and conventions. The management service at Dubai World Trade Center is supported by qualified team of management looking after the operational activities of the organization. The management team is responsible for handling the parking, valet services and the maintaining the flow of traffic as well as medical services during emergency conditions (, 2015). 3.2 Evaluation of the work and responsibilities at ADNEC and DWTC The employees at ADNEC are provided with adequate training for the development of the skill of the employees. The employees are trained in such a manner so that they are able to deal with the specific area of responsibility so that they can manage any safety issues in the exhibition hall. The events that are organized in ADNEC are not limited to public gathering for entertainment purpose or any kind of private function like wedding but it organizes other similar types of business events (, 2015). The employees at Dubai World Trade Center are provided with adequate training so they execute their responsibilities for managing the employees. The new employees have to undergo through an induction program. The employees are responsible for handling the grievances of the customers (, 2015). The HR policies of the organization are made to promote the retention of the employees (Badam, 2014). 4. Current and future trends in arts, entertainment and venue management industry 4.1 Analysis of the current trends in the arts, venue and entertainment industry Globalization has brought the world to a single platform. This has increased the number of options for the customers. The customers have wide range of options to choose a tourism site. The rise in the number of options has reduced the viability of Dubai as the preferred location. But globalization has also increased the number of tourist visiting Dubai and it has positive impact on the GDP of the country. The venue industry in Dubai is flourished (, 2015). 4.2 Current funding arrangements The Government made large investments for the infrastructural development of the country to preserve the cultural heritage. It is constantly reviewing the cultural heritage projects, organizing exhibitions and conference to preserve the historical cultural image of Dubai. The private funding agencies are engaging themselves for the development of the venue centers in the country. 4.3 Impact of changes in technology The technological advancement has positive and negative impact on the entertainment industry of UAE. The use of the mobile phones and tablets has made certain entertainment easily accessible to the audiences. This is reducing the profit of the theatre halls. But there is rise in the trend of online booking and enquiry which has increased the sale of tickets at the theatres in Dubai during weekends. The technological advancements have positive impact on the growth of the venue centers (, 2015). Conclusion The entertainment industry in UAE has contributed to the growth of economic condition of the country. The GDP of the country has flourished. The growth of the tourism industry has led to the growth of the associated industries like the hotel industry and hospitality industry. The Government of UAE has made adequate funding for the upliftment of the arts and entertainment industry of UAE. The operation and management of ADNEC and Dubai World Trade Center reveals their top class performance of the centers. References, (2015).ADNEC EHSMS MANUAL Page 1 of 15 Chapter 15 Standard Operating Procedures and Forms. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Feb. 2015]., (2015).ADNEC EMPLOYEES TO HELP MANAGE EXCEL LONDON DURING LONDON 2012 OLYMPICS. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Feb. 2015]. Al Bawaba, (2013).Key sectors contribute to record UAE GDP growth. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Feb. 2015]. Badam, R. (2014).Dubai to launch tourism fee in March to help fund Expo projects | The National. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Feb. 2015]., (2015).Dubai Economy. 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